Monday, November 5, 2007


TWO members of "Awesome" are engaged to be married. True? False? Both true and false at the same time? Hmmmm....


Anonymous said...

Who's the Yoko?

Anonymous said...

I've heard that they are actually engaged to each other. So that would be a No-Yoko situation, obviously.

Anonymous said...

I think all of the women who are engaged to, married to, or reluctantly near members of Awesome can safely say that the band itself is comprised of seven Yokos (you should see all the hats filled with plums floating in perfume in their practice space).

Seven Yokos: that was their original name, y'know.

Anonymous said...

Are you guy's editing these comments? My favorite one has gone missing!

Anonymous said...

the missing comment said something to the effect of "the yoko comments are stupid". the person who posted it took it down.

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