Saturday, December 22, 2007

John O's Album Gets a Review!

See here where the Seattle PI gives a review to our man John's recent Fly The December Skies. My favorite songs are Little, Snowflake, The Start and the End, Push On, and Madison. But they're all fucking great. What a jerk.


P.S. on a totally different subject, what has our resident Stephen Sondheim expert (Mr. Mosher) got to say about the new Sweeny Todd movie?


Anonymous said...

Jerk, indeed! How can one person be so talented AND be such a nice guy?

Christopher said...

It must be all those babies he's eaten over the years...

Anonymous said...

If we frizzed up his hair a bit, he would be the Johnny Depp-Sweeny Todd! A jerky version. With great songs. I like Hypefont.

Anonymous said...

If we frizzed up his hair a bit, he would be the Johnny Depp-Sweeny Todd! A jerky version. With great songs. I like Hypefont.

Anonymous said...

I LOOOOOOVE the album "Fly the December Skies"!!! My favorites are Little, Snowflake, Madison, the Start and the End, and really all of them. When are you going to play them live?

Anonymous said...

The album is great! Thanks John! Merry Christmas!

evan said...

Yeah, I read our blog sometimes. Totally haven't seen Sweeney Todd yet but it's high on my list. Been enjoying the Osebold Solsticemusik muchly here in the bleak midwinter of Iowa. Merry Jesusdonkey to all, and to all a good sleepness.

johnO said...

Thank you, jbf. Many of the songs were played live on Dec 18th @ the Rendezvous. I'll try to make it happen again.

Anonymous said...

one of your songs got played on KEXP! I think DJ Riz played it.

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