Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Cistern Christern

We Enter the Space.

We Document.

We Emerge, and There Is An Americabird Circling Overhead.

Someday, you will be able to listen to the record of our actions performed within this hole below Fort Warden.


Anonymous said...

If I were going to kidnap the members of "Awesome" and replace them with exact robot duplicates, that there big dark hole in the ground would be the perfect venue in which to carry out my nefarious plan.

Anonymous said...

High school flash backs...
Some very cool art has come out of that crazy little place.
I look forward to checking some out.


Anonymous said...

Please tell me you brought a carnival with you and recorded it falling-down-a-cistern.

JohnA said...

We tried to lure the carnival down into the cistern with some bong pop, but sadly, we were unsuccessful.

Anonymous said...

That's exactly the sort of thing an exact robot duplicate of JohnA would say...

rs said...

An Americabird! Your recording session is blessed with good portents indeed. These recordings will no doubt sound like pure, unfiltered FREEDOM.

mondaytuesdaywednesdaythursdayfridaysaturdaysunday said...

High School flashbacks indeed. I never did make it down into that cistern although I saw a lot of pictures of the stuff folks did to the walls in there. I can't wait to hear the cistern session.