Monday, April 26, 2010

WEST Goes East: 1st Dispatch

From our esteemed driver, one-man road-crew, and yard-chicken entrepreneur, John Sutton:

"6 speeding tickets, 1 drunk driving citation, 2 dead deer, a border merry-go-round (canada, america, and canada again), 65 gallons of diesel, and a broken gas pedal later I have arrived in Cranbrook BC. All is on track to meet you in Edmonton by the time you arrive. Fly safe suckers!

Forgot to charge the camera battery so you will have to imagine the wonderful sights...

With love,

p.s. I traded someone's guitar for a sandwich in Idaho and loaded a crate with potatoes I dug up from a field. It snowed here last night. Bring your long underwear!"

More to come, assuming wifi reaches the hot-tub at the rental house.

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