Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Calgary is snow

Calgary: Day 2

Some quick things:

Headset mics for (almost) all!

Hot tub curfew is 11pm... uh-huh...

It is not sunny and 75 here. Sorry JZ!

Keep drinking water, we're over 5000 feet above sea level! I don't know what that is in metres, but I'm guessing it's still pretty high. Speaking of pretty high...

... um, nothing. What?

The Marx Bothers performed on this stage, like, 6 or 7 years ago. My timeline might be off there, but probably not.

Me and Evan just Skyped each other in the same room. Yeah, that means what you think.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

pics from WEST

photo credit: me! (David Nixon)
Click on the picture to get a larger version.

Monday, April 26, 2010

WEST Goes East: 1st Dispatch

From our esteemed driver, one-man road-crew, and yard-chicken entrepreneur, John Sutton:

"6 speeding tickets, 1 drunk driving citation, 2 dead deer, a border merry-go-round (canada, america, and canada again), 65 gallons of diesel, and a broken gas pedal later I have arrived in Cranbrook BC. All is on track to meet you in Edmonton by the time you arrive. Fly safe suckers!

Forgot to charge the camera battery so you will have to imagine the wonderful sights...

With love,

p.s. I traded someone's guitar for a sandwich in Idaho and loaded a crate with potatoes I dug up from a field. It snowed here last night. Bring your long underwear!"

More to come, assuming wifi reaches the hot-tub at the rental house.

Thursday, April 22, 2010


Wow.  It was February of 2008 that we first started thinking about this show.  It's hard to believe that it's finally happening.  I've been told that tonight's show is already sold out.

UPDATE!!! Maybe tonight's show isn't quite sold out.


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

2 more days until West opens.

Until then, here's some snippets from the actual script:

"...Basil enters out..."

"...Evan enters, puts on his..."

"...John O, still unable to..."

"...John A grabs it, trying to keep..."

"Something catches..."

"They are far too large..."

"...Rob comes up..."

"...David is drawn..."

"...Kirk takes the lead..."

and that's all just the first act!!!

tickets available here

Sunday, April 18, 2010

5 More Days Until West

It's hard to believe that we've been working on this since February 2008.

Get your red hot TICKETS here, before they sell out.

oh, and another teentix interview piece is up. (Has anyone heard of a band called Anchors? Apparently they're one of my favorite bands!)

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Hey, everyone! We're on the teevee on the innernette!

Thanks to Nancy Guppy for the enthusiasm and to Director/Dovetail Jointmaster Matt Richter for sharing his bio-profile-worthiness with us!

Also, if you like using your eyes to look at photos and read words, here are a few of both at the P-I dot com concerning us and our upcoming WTF-ery at On the Boards.


Bonus: Teen Tix Crush of the Month teaser!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Cremaster: The Finnegan's Wake of cinema

I spent all afternoon yesterday at SIFF cinema watching the entire Cremaster Cycle with some of my fellow bandmates. I was a virgin, never having seen any of the five episodes of Matthew Barney's sprawling epic. I'm really glad I saw them all in sequence. Cremaster 3, the sprawling central film of the series was made more enjoyable by joining Jen Graves in the back row for something we invented called "wineSlogging". (The Stranger was there to live-Slog during the film, but they were asked to stop because their keyboards were too noisy. So we went to QFC during intermission and procured a nice bottle of French wine, screw-top style). I think that the music by Jonathan Bepler was one of my favorite things, especially in 2 & 4. These movies have it all: cars, bees, bagpipes, buffalo, naked ladies. What more could you want?

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Go West; Do not park North

The big day was finally here... we loaded all of our equipment into On the Boards in preparation for the final few weeks of rehearsal before "West" premieres on April 22. I pulled the van up on 1st Ave W (the little cobblestone street in front of the main entrance), and we loaded everything in to the studio. After a quick round of speed dating the lobby, I returned to the van, only to find a parking ticket indicating that the vehicle was 4 feet north of a No Parking sign. Here's a photo of the situation. What do you think?

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Tuesday field trip!

Kirk says:
"Hey everybody! Come on along and take a ride with me...


What I remember from today's teentix speed dating session

Anne's been playing violin since she was 5.

Holy Names, Newport, Highline CC, Forest Ridge and a "kinda ghetto" school in Lynnwood.

Where does that 4th wall come from? No really.

I hate They Might Be Giants, but you all seem to like them. So why? Defend them!

Bad High School Prom Photo

How DOES one survive high school?

Evan looks like Nora Ephron.