Thursday, July 31, 2008


That's right: Regardless of what you might have heard from the liberal controlled media, tonight's show at Neumo's (featuring us, Boat, and the enigmatic next-big-thing The Mt St. Helens Vietnam Band) is in fact open to any age imaginable. If you are 2000 years old, you can come to this show. Did you know that the drummer of The MSHVB is 13 years old, and that their CD comes in a handmade felt pocket? Fantastic! I'll show YOU a handmade felt pocket. what? huh?

Also, in keeping with all the radical change that the world's been going through in the last 3 hours, our set list tonight is going to be (as John Curley says), Just a little bit different. If you're one of those people who's always saying to your therapist, "Why doesn't "Awesome" ever play [insert obscure song title] at their live shows?", then allow us to save you the trip to the couch this week. While I can't give away exactly what the set list will be (on the advice of our legal counsel), I can tell you that at least one of these three songs songs songs will be in the set.


Anonymous said...

AWESOME! You were just great at that show!

You renewed my dying faith in show-going! Single-handedly!!

If that night was a song, it would be "Someone saved my life tonight" by Elton John, and the someone would be YOU!

Thanks you guys!

<3 Kiku

m.b. said...

"Awesome" oh "Awesmome"

I don't think you need the quotations. You define awesome.

Anyways, I was a bit dubious to a band that names themselfs awesome, but more so excited.

To see a group of 7 men in suits walk on, I started to anticipate what came. Pretty classy there.

Then the music came, and I was won over, completely. You know what your sounds is like and what it does to people. It made this huge grin overcome my face... and I smiled.

It was amazing. I ran, bought the album. Oh, my poor family. Got home at 12:00 and of course wanted to listen to it.

Brothers Friend: Who is this?
Me: They're awesome!
Brother: She likes to be obscure...
Me: NO! They ARE Awesome.
Friend: Band name?
Me: They are named Awesome!
Friend: Oh?

I have a list of instruments that are required in a band to make it, well, complete. Not neccsarrily all in one, but you manged to do that. I was in some sort of minor shock. Banjo? Harmonica? Accordian? Glockenspiel? and the mandolin was just like a little bonus. When we heard the theremin, only challenge was finding it.

So thanks.
for the


-d'Magie Frosch

Anonymous said...

overheard last night:

"Please come to Stanwood (WA)!"

and of course

"You guys are awesome!"