Friday, May 9, 2008

We Need a New Rehearsal Space!

Goodbye rehearsal space! It's been nice knowing you. We've rehearsed in you for -what? a year or two now? I'll always remember the dankness and the smell. And the terrible tryin-real-hard rock band practicing next door. We called them "Shadow Meat". Also the really sub-par graffiti in the bathroom. Oh well, bon voyage!

Anyway, now we're on the lookout for a new place. Sometime in the next month or two. Do you know of a place? Ideally it would be:
(a) cheap. I dunno what we're paying for a space now. But the less we spend on a practice space, the more we can spend on hookers and blow.
(b) Close to Capitol Hill! Five of us live here, so it'd be awful neat to be close by. But hey, don't sweat it, we'll drive anywhere. Greenhouse gasses you say? Don't make me leave a carbon footprint on your ass!
(c) large enough fit 7 guys and a bazillion instruments.
(d) just for us! Well, we'd be willing to share with another band of course, but it would be super swell if we didn't have to. That's probably hoping for too much though. Does your band need someone to share your practice space with?
(e) a minimum of spiders. And squid. We hate squid.

Anyone? Anyone?

Here's another picture of us in our current space. And a pair of sideburns too! (If the new space doesn't have sideburns, that's okay.) Also -- you can see the infamous Jen Zeyl in the background, so this must have been when we were rehearsing Here's What Happened.


Anonymous said...

Just out of curiosity, what is the minimum amount of spiders that you would tolerate?

Matthew Echert said...

I can see my pants in that picture!

Anonymous said...

If you guys weren't already there, I'd suggest the Jam Box. When I was in a band (oooh so long ago) we had our space there. But it was crowded. And full of buttrock. And EXTRA sub-par graffiti in the bathroom. Some of which I contributed to.

But might be worth a shot. The guy who owned it was pretty cool.