Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Post-show discussion

Like music, talking, listening and drinking? The good folks over at OnePot have invited us over for their upcoming Chamber vs. Chamber music/art/history/ice cream* social event at the Sorrento Hotel's Fireside room on Sunday, May 23rd.

Whether you missed West and want to get a little live taste of the music, or you saw it and want to know more, or you hated it and want an explanation, this behind-the-music event is for you.  It'll be a cool discussion about art, opera, indie music and other heady stuff, led by City Arts editor Mark Baumgarten and West director Matthew Richter. We're joined by our hyper-talented pals Nick Garrison and Sarah Rudinoff, so come join us and bring your party brains!

Go here for more info and ticket link.

*ice cream may not be served.

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