Stick them in our Flickr photo pool.
We'll keep an eye on them for you while you go take pictures of a better-looking band - IF YOU CAN FIND ONE.
It's easy!
See? Here's one left with us by the talented Flickr member, human? (I think she's from Denmark or something. It's pronounced "Jenny" in our language.):
Let's see, if memory serves this photo is from our Oct. 11 show at Chop Suey...
JohnO is talking about his aphorism theory, Rob is trying to get water out of his left ear and onto his "dry reed", Evan is pushing out more beard hair, Eric is getting ready to head east, David's legs got amputated by accident during Basil's arc-welding demonstration. Turned out to be a great bit, though. We're probably going keep it for our ACT show.
And JohnA is trying to ask the sound guy for more drummer vocals in his monitor. Or he's playing the mandolin, can't really tell in this picture.
Anyway, add your favorite "A" photos to our photo pool today!
Or tomorrow!
Or whenever!
Thanks Jenny!
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