Wednesday, June 15, 2011

New album out

called "Bon Iver."

Oh, wrong blog, sorry.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

New album in T-minus 4 days

...and T-minus 1 month for next album

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Why hello Mr. Blog!

I don't know how you found us here. It seems that someone stole our URL right out from under our noses! On the up side, you can now go there to learn about the weather in the Maldives.

I'm sure this whole internet thing is a passing fad anyway. Soon we'll be back to updating you with letterpress broadsides, and maybe cave paintings.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Hey, where'd everybody go?

Follow us on Twitter:

Friday, November 5, 2010

Center-Cut Ham Dinner Night Slideshow

Everyone should go see David's new solo show at Annex Theatre, "Center-Cut Ham Dinner Night Slideshow". It's like watching Emo Phillips meet Carl Sagan in Terry Gilliam's basement.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

And the nominees are...

Say, what do you know? Our own Robertson "Davies" Witmer and John "Hey John" Osebold are nominees for Theatre Puget Sound's 2010 Gregory Awards! They're both up for the Outstanding Music & Sound Design award alongside our pal from Miss Mamie, Brendan Hogan, and "A" sympathizer Matt Starritt.

In the Best Actor category, you'll find our friend and sometimes-narrator/harmonica player Charles "Chuck" Leggitt. West's lighting/video hero L.B. Morse is gunning for the Lighting Design high score, and our former rehearsal space landlord and internet radio booster Scotto Moore is on the list for Outstanding Playwright!

So you see, it really is who you know. Or rather, who we know. But you know us and we know them so okay, it is who you know.

Puzzlingly, West was left off the roster of Outstanding Production nominees this year. I knew we should have called it The Laramie Project...

Good luck Rob & John and also everybody!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Nilsson, Nelson, Wilson

Thanks to brother Sean Nelson (religious title), we'll be playing our 8-minute Harry Nilsson medley with him at Rainn Wilson & Friends at the Paramount Theater this Saturday.

I've seen so many shows at the Paramount that I'm giddy as a schoolgirl selling pixie stix to a talking mailbox to be playing there.